Respected Copyright Holders,

We would like to assure you that this page is not intended to infringe on any copyrights. The technology employed here is entirely public and accessible to anyone for proxying websites. Our service operates using widely available tools, including the Cloudflare VPN application.

If you have concerns about any content on our site or the links it redirects to, please contact us at [email protected]. We will promptly address your concerns and remove any infringing content as necessary.

Regarding third-party websites, we do not have control over their content or actions. If you wish to remove content from these third-party sites, we recommend contacting their hosting or CDN providers. Once the content is removed from those sites, it will also be removed from our proxy service, as we only provide a live proxy.

If you need to block specific sites in a particular country, you can block the main domain directly. Our website generates minimal traffic and serves as a simple proxy service. If you perceive any issues or concerns, please reach out to us, and we will be happy to make the necessary adjustments.

The source code used for proxying is publicly available, as it was created by an open-source developer. Anyone with access to this code can replicate these proxy services with minimal effort.

Thank you for your understanding.

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